Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One more time!

If you did not listen to this song yesterday, just sit back and enjoy! Enjoy your life! There are going to be some F#*ked up days! (Excuse my language but can I just be real?!). If we dwell in the negative and some false perception that nothing bad is ever going to happen then we'll just be sitting ducks for satan to knock us off! (Thats right I said satan!) Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, I don't have the answers but I know where to put my trust! Jesus is the answer and remember He got nailed to a freaking cross! It ain't always going to be easy! But It can be worth it, and it can be awesome. A great friend of mine has a disease that he battles with daily. His attitude is amazing. He looks for people and places that he can do some good for. Everyday he wakes up knowing that he's sick and that some days just are not going to be that good, but he makes the most out of everyday! No matter how bad you think your life is, it could be worse! Enjoy the day! Smile and love. Communicate with Christ!!!! Simple prayer goes along way! And when the bad days come remember, "This too shall pass". You can get past this...Your best days are ahead and not behind!
Remember JESUS SAVES!!!!
Love and Peace,

1 comment:

daniel62kwlwu said...

our best days are ahead wow what hope we have hopes eturnal spring
wow how cool
man brother brother brother
i love you to much grace and increase to you from father
hhhh all the time He says to me
this too shall pass
to what ever it is i ask He says this too shall pass
Hes always right
and still the best is to come

peac and love and much wisdom poured out upon you in the name of Jesus
Holy Ghost fire poured our upon you
and may God prosper you greatly and expand your shpere of influence........
in Jesus name amen