Monday, October 27, 2008

Get Tough

Get Tough:
The Get Tough Men's Conference was Awesome! Bill McCartney gave a great challenge to the men and the response was incredible! I was totally blessed to speak to the men and share what I felt God has been saying to me about the role of a father. The biggest surprise was Gordon Banks. I had not heard of him before this event but WOW, what an exciting preacher! He had some incredible insight into the Lords Prayer and I know everyone in attendance was moved and transformed! He reminded me so much of a man I owe so much to, Johnathan Owens. He sounded so much like him and with the same energy that just moves your soul! What a treat! If you ever need an inspired word from an great man of God Gordon Banks is the MAN!

What a great time I had with my great friend Don Odom. He always works so hard to make mountain biking fun. Moab is HARD! I can't wait to go back and settle the score with some of those trails that kicked my behind! I better train hard and get back there next spring.

1 comment:

Gina, Brandon, and Cooper said...

That is absolutely awesome that you were invited to speak at the conference. What a wonderful opportunity. I have to bribe Brandon with things like coffee creamer to listen to me.