Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hearing God

Hearing the voice of God is not always as hard as we make it out to be. First, we have His Word, Jesus even simplified the process by telling us the Greatest commandment was love. Love God and Love people. With this in mind we can be free to live our lives, get married, don't get married. Go to college, get a job, change our job whatever as long as we are guided by this simple love factor. As we grow in Christ we certainly seem to make things (simple decisions), much more complex than they need to be. When you start expecting a clear answer to every facet of your life from almighty God I can see how that may lead to some frustration. Look most parents don't want to have to make every decision for their children especially when they have grown, (well some do but that's definitely not what your Father wants to do). Trust God!! Will you choose right all of the time? Probably not, but you will have lived! I have made some MONUMENTAL mistakes in my walk with God, and yes some that I would love to have a do-over but I count on Romans 8:28 and if you will also then your faith is where it belongs.

Wondering what we should do for God is a little harder to figure out. I have always heard the expression of birthing an Ishmael. Well I don't know about that, if you are centered on God, His Son and His Word whatever you decide to do for Him will be fun, exciting and very fruitful. Hey you can wait for your burning bush or use the good old sheep fleece. But if nothing definite happens, how about working in your Church's daycare, or mowing the church lawn. If you want more than that go preach in the street or leave some tracts. Remember its not always so easy to hear the voice of God, but you can always love a little deeper and give a little more of yourself.
God Bless,

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