Sunday, December 21, 2008

Promises, Promises...

Ever make a promise that you didn't keep? Say you'll do something and then not do it? Man I have, but I pray to be better at keeping my word. All the bull about changing America and ending the war from the politicians makes me wonder why we even have a voting system. I guess it's so we can pick the most convincing liar. The bible says we should keep our word even to our own hurt, even if keeping our word costs us something dear. Wow, that's heavy. Makes you want to keep a little tighter grip on what comes out of your mouth doesn't it? I realize that trying to change others just wastes the time we should be spending on making the necessary changes needed in our own lives. There is ONE true promise keeper though. His name is Jesus and His words are sure. He said that the ONLY way to the Father is through the Son and I know that is the truth. Any other religion that teaches another way is calling Christ a liar. People wanting to call Christians bigots and narrow minded need to remember we are just repeating what our Lord has told us. We believe in Him and in His words. Keep your word, but most of all keep the words of Christ. After all if your words fail people may be hurt but the Words of Christ can never fail, I bet my eternity on it.
God Bless


daniel62kwlwu said...

come on yeah baby
good word!

Gina, Brandon, and Cooper said...

Mitch, love the new site, but can't post there. What is the problem? Would love to comment. I can't wait to see what Mordis is going to do next. Excellent illustrations.

daniel62kwlwu said...

Go mordis!