Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Shoes

The Holiday time can be brutal in so many ways. We overburden to give more than we can and finances become a problem. We may feel insignificant if we don't have the money we wish we had to give everyone a present. It can be busy at your work and in your life. Take a moment, close your eyes and pause long enough to give thanks for what you do have, not what you wish you had. Every time I really feel sorry for myself, I think of those parents who may be watching a child struggling with a fatal illness just trying to get through the day. I think about the many people that overextended their budget to own that beautiful dream home and thanks to a crafty lender they have been foreclosed on and are much worse than they were before. What about the retiree who saved their whole life and now because of volatile stocks, have nothing. So many people have it worse that we do. You may think you don't have enough money to do for people what you would like this Christmas. Give them a gift that never stops giving. Stop, and pray for that person. Not what you think they need, but Gods best for their lives. His mercy, His grace and all the love He wants them to have. The Bible says its better to live in a small room eating veggies with love than a great house with all the rich food without love. Pray for love, Gods love, real love. The love that lasts forever....
May your hearts be full of Gods amazing love.


daniel62kwlwu said...

hit it on the head
good word brother
pray is vital
Jesus shows us the way and he is a man of prayer!
Glory to God!

Gina, Brandon, and Cooper said...

Great words, especially true for the holiday season. Thanks!