Monday, April 26, 2010

New Man

2 Corinthians Chapter 5 deals with our transforming into a new creation and leaving behind the things of old. When we realize just who God is and what an amazing opportunity we have to live under and through His power it is crazy not accept this gift! Last night I was watching Avatar, in one scene the human is attempting to infiltrate the Navi with his avatar body. He sees this as an way to gain from them but they see a it as a way to test him to decide if he (we) can be cured of this insanity as it is called. (Looking at the world and creatures as objects to fill our greed, lust and selfish ambition.) I believe we have the same opportunity when we come to Christ, yes the scales fall off our eyes, yes we do become true believers in the Power of the Living God, but we can choose to ignore it, use it to our advantage or let that Power changes us forever. The guy in Avatar had to spent time with this new way of life, he had to learn and let it in. After a fair amount of time he was ready to die to defend it. Entering into this new life is an awesome one time experience of trusting Christ, entering into the life fulfilling adventure of becoming a true child of the "Way" (of following Christ), takes some time and effort, but is is time and effort well spent! Give yourself completely to this new life and the reward will be outta this world!!

1 comment:

daniel62kwlwu said...

awesome good word bud God has truly opened your eyes and ears
keep up the good fight of faith!!!!
your pal