Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Me in my 20's ,30's and now 40's (O.K. O.K., I haven't been in the skimp suit for awhile)!

I was looking at some pictures of me weighing 187. I was a few days from a contest and in great shape. At 255 right now I know I can loose plenty but to 187? Hmmm... I always used to go low carb and it always works but it's so short term and the rebound is fast. I think that cutting portion size is the way I can loose and keep the weight down. Strength Ministry is over for me and I want to be lean and healthy 4 life! I also want to be a biking machine and at 187 I should rock!

1 comment:

Gina, Brandon, and Cooper said...

You don't need no stinking 187. You look great now.